hello, flushing with fatigue. we meet again.


My flushing and hives have died down significantly since I got off the beta blocker (I also took myself off of all 3 antihistamines). I still get the episodes but not as bad and it’s been something I could ignore because they haven’t been nearly as bad. But today, after eating the same macaroni and cheese that I have eaten recently with no symptoms, my face flushed and i got the standard inflammation and itchiness in my eyes, lips and nose. My whole being is fatigued and I just want to put my head down and close my eyes. I feel lethargic and worn down. Brain fog has definitely arrived. My face isn’t nearly as red as it can get and I don’t have the hives down my neck, chest and arms though I have that feeling like it’s slightly there (and I am definitely itchy). I am not sure what my blood pressure is but I know my heart rate is up and it’s pounding too. As you can see from my other post today, I am having a pretty symptomatic day and I know I probably need to lay down – though I can’t because I am at work.

I am just confused. I know I am in a downswing in regards to how I have been feeling physically but what in the world is triggering the flushing episode to return in a huge way? I have been considering looking into antihistamines again now that I am off the beta blocker (since I believe that was the culprit in making my flushing episodes significantly worse!). The only thing is that I want to know what’s triggering these episodes first before I go back on anything to treat them and also, I have found that since being on Zantac 150 for antihistamine purposes and going off of it, I actually have heartburn! The only time I have ever had heartburn in the past was when I was pregnant with my daughter and maybe a time or two after that due to the hormonal changes during “that” time of month. I don’t know if the Zantac triggered something or what but there is no other explanation for me having increased heartburn!

This is so annoying and frustrating. I guess I will have to start using my blood pressure/heart rate monitor again and start keeping notes on everything for awhile. But to be perfectly honest, I feel ridiculous pulling out that monitor while I am out and about and especially at work. It’s not quiet and yes, I will admit that I am afraid that people will think I am just looking for attention… and that’s why I haven’t been doing it. Yeah, I know.

bad hives day and losing my mind.

As discussed earlier, I removed myself from a majority of my medications. Initially I felt a bit better. I was considering the antihistamines again without the betablockers to see if there was an improvement.. Especially since betablockers can worsen mast cell disease symptoms. I want to do this in the meantime since I know it will be awhile until I can get into Vanderbilt. 

I have started back on the birth control pill after a 3 year hiatus. I had forgotten why I got off them altogether in the first place other than the fact that there were concerns about my blood pressure. Little did we know the issue was something entirely different! Anyway, I have always had other issues with hormones… Flu like symptoms, depression, mood swings, bloating, etc. I am never allowed to have the Mirena IUD again, it had to come out within weeks of being in. My body reacted so horribly to it and the hormone in it. I was not able to get up for a week! They thought I had the actual flu. Turned out it was that things. I most recently had the Paragard IUD in but with the pain and issues I was having, my doctors wanted it removed. Now because I have worsening POTS symptoms around my period, we are back on the road of the pill again to try and control it. I am on Lo Loestrin Fe which I have never been on before. I am on week three and let me tell you… I AM A MESS! I feel like I am going out of my mind crazy. I am anxious, I am weepy, I keep crying for no reason, I am up and down and all around. I am also having bouts of feeling horribly depressed. I don’t know if I can handle this much longer. I am not sure if I just need to give it time… But given my history and the fact that I only seem  to get medicinally induced depression (antidepressants make me really depressed and other medications have done the same). The first week was fine! I have been in dark places in my mind this past week or so. I feel horribly hormonal and my poor family is catching most of the grief from it. Then I have been having breakthrough bleeding complete with cramps.

To top it off today, I has a really bad flushing and hives day. My heart rate got so bad, you could actually see it pulsating in my neck. I had hives everywhere and I was trying so hard not to scratch. I needed to lay down so badly. My joints were really achy and sore today, not to mention cracky. Neck pain, back pain, pelvic pain, headache. Very little appetite. 

Today was especially miserable and I needed to get that out. I feel like I am losing it and I just want to feel well.