hello, flushing with fatigue. we meet again.


My flushing and hives have died down significantly since I got off the beta blocker (I also took myself off of all 3 antihistamines). I still get the episodes but not as bad and it’s been something I could ignore because they haven’t been nearly as bad. But today, after eating the same macaroni and cheese that I have eaten recently with no symptoms, my face flushed and i got the standard inflammation and itchiness in my eyes, lips and nose. My whole being is fatigued and I just want to put my head down and close my eyes. I feel lethargic and worn down. Brain fog has definitely arrived. My face isn’t nearly as red as it can get and I don’t have the hives down my neck, chest and arms though I have that feeling like it’s slightly there (and I am definitely itchy). I am not sure what my blood pressure is but I know my heart rate is up and it’s pounding too. As you can see from my other post today, I am having a pretty symptomatic day and I know I probably need to lay down – though I can’t because I am at work.

I am just confused. I know I am in a downswing in regards to how I have been feeling physically but what in the world is triggering the flushing episode to return in a huge way? I have been considering looking into antihistamines again now that I am off the beta blocker (since I believe that was the culprit in making my flushing episodes significantly worse!). The only thing is that I want to know what’s triggering these episodes first before I go back on anything to treat them and also, I have found that since being on Zantac 150 for antihistamine purposes and going off of it, I actually have heartburn! The only time I have ever had heartburn in the past was when I was pregnant with my daughter and maybe a time or two after that due to the hormonal changes during “that” time of month. I don’t know if the Zantac triggered something or what but there is no other explanation for me having increased heartburn!

This is so annoying and frustrating. I guess I will have to start using my blood pressure/heart rate monitor again and start keeping notes on everything for awhile. But to be perfectly honest, I feel ridiculous pulling out that monitor while I am out and about and especially at work. It’s not quiet and yes, I will admit that I am afraid that people will think I am just looking for attention… and that’s why I haven’t been doing it. Yeah, I know.

upright anxiety.

There are moments I most certainly have anxiety issues but more often than not, I know where the anxiety is stemming from. When it hits me for no reason, I take note of what position I am in. Chances are I am standing or sitting up… and when I lay down, the anxiety more often than not, subsides. Even when there is a “good” reason for me to be feeling anxious, when I lay down – I am no longer nearly as anxious. I guess tachycardia, blood pressure swings, circulation issues, etc. (that are obviously increased while upright when you have POTS) don’t help with the process of anxiety.

Too bad I don’t have somewhere to lay down at work. Actually, I was home with my daughter yesterday due to her being sick and I connected to my work desktop through a laptop at home. I got more done on my laptop while laying down than I do while sitting up at my desk at work. I work in a laid back office so I wonder if I could ask to bring in something to lay on when I feel symptomatic (beyond anxiety even) and I can work on my laptop from there. Why have I never thought of this before?